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Risa Takeda
official web site

Risa Takeda Born in Hokkaido. Started classical piano at age 3. Active as drummer while at University. Moved to Tokyo in April 2011 and while with various bands, began solo performances in 2016. Improvisations, compositions with visuals and piano arrangements of Frank Zappa’s material have brought worldwide recognition.

Released two albums on My Best! Records, "Pandora" ('18) and "Metéôros" ('19), in which  composed, arranged, performed, and recorded all by oneself.

The result is a massive work of music, full of complex melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and sequences of sounds, which are freely realized by the ensemble, but with great precision.

In live performances, performed with Akira Sakata, Tatsuya Yoshida, Seiichi Yamamoto, Tadahiko Yokogawa, Keiichi Suzuki, and Mani Neumeier (titles omitted), further expanding the scope of his activities.

北海道出身。3歳よりクラシックピアノを始める。大学時代はドラマーとして活動。2011年4月に上京し様々なバンドで活動する傍ら、2016年にソロ活動を開始。即興演奏、映像を使ったオリジナル曲、FRANK ZAPPAのピアノカバーなどが世界中より好評を博している。

現在までに作曲、編曲、演奏、録音など全てをただ一人で手掛けたアルバ厶「Pandora」('18)「Metéôros」('19)をMy Best! Recordsより発表。



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魔術師の城 / The Sorcerer's Castle / Risa Takeda

May 3, 2022 Release

Pianist, drummer, and composer Risa Takeda takes on the challenge of creating a classical/contemporary music epic all on her own! 
The world of fantasy is spun out by the excellent composition and description of the scene, freely manipulating a number of sound sources.

All compositions written, arranged, recorded and produced by Risa Takeda. 
Mixed and mastered and designed by Risa Takeda. 
Production period October 2020 to February 2022. 


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